SAIC Collaboration & Drake Elementary School

Project Overview

CPS Lives podcast tells the story of Drake Elementary School in Bronzeville, Chicago, featuring the voices of students and teachers. Specifically, the podcast centers the development of Dolls for Peace, a community art therapy project spearheaded by artist and educator Rochele Royster. Dolls for Peace creates a safe space to address the traumatization caused by gun violence by inviting community members to make a doll for each person killed as a result of gun violence. The podcast documents the development of the Dolls for Peace project and investigates how the need for such a project emerged in Drake Elementary, in Chicago, and in the U.S. The podcast will be about 30 minutes in length and, for now, exist as a single episode. Interviews will be collected and edited by myself, Efrat Hakimi and Larisa Wade — 3 graduate students at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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